For Edie, it’s hard to describe what it’s like to have NF. It depends on what kind of day she is facing.

Edie works at a college and is grateful for supportive coworkers and students. However, those in the community have not been as accepting. Many are not familiar with her or with dermal neurofibromas and react in unkind ways.  She has close friends at church who show friendship and give hugs. They know HER and love her.

As does her extended NF family. Edie is famous for her love of dogs and some of our earliest memories are of her bringing her cute little dog to events. Anyone remember the spaghetti fundraiser of 2006? Or our first Central CA NF Chat at the park?  The picture below is one of our favorites.

We love you Edie and are so glad for the opportunities we have to socialize with you. Thank you for sharing your spirit and experiences with us. You have helped us have reason and strength to build NFC to what it is today.